Principles of Engineering: Year 2
Principles of Engineering (POE) students get to explore more complex projects and concepts in their second year. To succeed in this class, students will learn new skills and expand upon their foundational knowledge from IED to solve real-world problems. The curriculum introduces different mathematical, physics, and coding principles that students will use in completing projects related to robotics, structural engineering, gear ratios and more!
Coding & Electronics
The main focus for POE is electronics and coding. Students work with VEX hardware and RobotC coding software throughout the year and learn how to best utilize each of their functions by troubleshooting and testing them. They also work with electrical circuits and learn how to apply these components into different projects.
Tools for Success
As in IED, projects in POE are mostly open-ended in how they are completed. Many require creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to have an efficient solution. POE students not only grow and improve their technical skills during this year, but also get to improve their collaborative and group skills while working with classmates.
Project Examples
Use knowledge and skills of simple machines build a VEX car that will lift and move a block.
Work with teammates to build a VEX car that uses alternative energy.
Use vex hardware and software to build and code a robot to participate in Capture the Flag.
Solve a set of problems by building and coding a unique solution.