Autodesk Inventor:
Coming soon...
Computer Help
Computer won't turn on!
Make sure the power cord is plugged into the computer.
Make sure the power cord is plugged into the monitor.
Make sure your monitor brightness is turned up.
Make sure the power cord is plugged into the power strip.
Make sure the power strip is plugged into the wall and is ON.
Hold the power button down for 10 seconds, then let go and press the power button again for 3 seconds.
My mouse and/or keyboard isn’t working!
Make sure they are plugged in.
Any damaged equipment needs to be tagged with masking tape, write the issue on the tape with a marker, and report to Mr. T.
My internet isn't working!
Click the “wifi” button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Turn your wifi off and then on again.
Make sure your computer is connected to “I21WIRELESS”.
If you can’t see the network, click “Hidden Network” and type in “I21WIRELESS”
If this doesn’t work, make sure your Ethernet cable is plugged in
My wifi is connected to I21WIRELESS but the internet is not working
Open Google Chrome.
Click the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
Click Settings.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Show advanced settings.
Scroll to the Network section and click Change proxy settings…
On the Internet Properties page, click LAN settings (bottom right side).
In the Proxy Server section, uncheck the box that says "Use a proxy..."
Click OK to exit the page, then OK again to exit the first page.
Test your internet again by going to a webpage to see if it works
I cannot log in!
Turn your wifi off and on again
If wifi won’t connect, see “My internet is not working” above.
Inventor keeps quitting!
Go to “Tools/Application Options/Hardware”.
Check the box that says “Compatibility,” then click “OK”
My browser is being
ALWAYS use Google Chrome
Do not use any other browser (ie Internet Explorer, Firefox)
Where did my downloads go?
Open Google Chrome
Open the settings menu (3 vertical dots) on the top right corner
Click “Settings” Click “Show Advanced Settings”
Find “Downloads”
Change the “Downloads” folder to “Desktop.” Now all your files will go directly to your desktop and you won’t have to search for them anymore.
Inventor crashed and I lost my work.
Sorry, we can’t fix that!
Get into the habit of clicking “Control-S” every few minutes to save your work. If Inventor crashes and you didn’t save your work, get back to the drawing board and start over!
Anything else...
Ask a friend. Two heads are better than one.
Only after you have tried everything else...
Ask Mr. Tarrac